Sunday, July 24, 2011

2083 Manifesto

As all of you undoubtedly know, there were multiple terrorist attacks in Norway on Friday and it killed many people.  What many people do not know about this was that the attack was actually meant to start some kind of European revolution.  Anders Behring Breivik released the 1500 page book that I linked above.  I would suggest you read it with an open mind; what Anders did was wrong, but to label a man as evil in order to write off his pain would be folly.
If you end up reading any of it, let me know. I'll be busy today so I don't think I'll have time to dig into it much.


  1. 1500 page! this will kill me thanks for the sahre tho!

  2. thanks for finding this. i looked for his manifesto last night but couldnt find it.

  3. Started reading this today morning. This will be my main lecture for a long time, because I'm really into the terrorism and law enforcement, especialy counter-terrorism.

  4. wow, this whole situation is crazy, intriguing and eye opening as well is very sad, thanks for the find I'll will give it a read.

  5. Ah I suck so bad at reading though! I'll have to look it over though, or maybe just let people much smarter than me tell me what it means :O

  6. this was very interesting and ill be checking this out.

  7. I tried to read this but got a 500 error, i guess too many people are trying to view it...I'll look later.

  8. Interesting. I will have to read some more about this so-called revolution. Excellent post and I will be sure to reward you for it ;)

  9. Uhm... Doubt we'll see any european revolutions anytime soon. But i'll follow your blog to see if something changes.

  10. Yeah, I'm sure he had a very understandable reason to kill all those people...

  11. European revolution? lol
    I hope he enjoys jail.

  12. Interesting point of view. +follow

  13. I don't really think he was evil, just misguided in my opinion.

  14. Misunderstood men are often viewed as evil.

  15. Short version: History lessons on Islam and Christianity and associated wars. European mixture with Islam. At the end is a very detailed description of his last days. I yawned 4 times!

  16. I will not be reading his "manifesto". 'Cause I simply don't care where he's coming from.
    The dude is a coward. He hides behind a gun and shoots innocent people.
    Nothing can justify that.
    People like that are what's wrong with the world today.
    But I feel that his inmates will find his girlish charm lovely. And he will finally be treated the way he deserves.
    Anyhow, following and supporting, mate! :)

  17. Killing people does not give away a positive idea. It just breeds more hatred.

  18. Well Im not interested in reading the manifesto. What he did proves that his mind wasn't fully functional... Plus I read that huge parts of his text where copied and stolen.
    Anyway, interesting topic and blog!

  19. I'll skim it and see if theres anything interesting

  20. 1500 pages? the man should be a writer and not a terrorist. Anyone to understand his mind must read this... it's only 1500 pages guys.

  21. Will he really only get 21 years? Since that is their maximum sentence? There has to be some kinds of stipulations dealing with that.

  22. That guy sucks. I feel sorry for the kids.

  23. What worrys me is his fitness stuff! Its all solid advice on fitness, nutrition and steroids lol I even think he posted in the same forum as I normally do!
