Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Nature of the State

You see, many people believe that Governments are some kind of twisted technological or cultural innovation which unified people toward "common goals" and allowed for the creation of society.

Sadly they do not understand that the idea of "common goals" and unification is modern, while States have existed since Pharaohs had people tortured into building self-aggrandizing pyramids.  Everybody knows now that enslaving whole generations to build tombs is not a rational "common goal" for a society to have. So if States have existed for thousands of years but our own excuse for them is hundreds of years old at most, what do we really know about the nature of these beasts?

Well, we know that States have always "governed" by force.  By govern I mean, using force and intimidation to extract wealth (they call this process "taxation") and then use that money to impose laws and regulations on the people and in trading; they also use this money for war.  This is what we KNOW 100% to be true.
Greeks did it with democracy.
The middle ages and Renaissance had monarchies and empires.
And now the United States does it with a Republic.

So goes the progression of governance.  The truth that you are actually being robbed just as badly as a peasant worker in 13th century France is just being hidden through sophistication.

How they teach us to love them
Why then, do we bow down to tyrants now and delude ourselves into thinking they are taking society toward a common goal?  Well, there have always been justifications for this kind of violence and they seem to have come in two phases.
-The Greeks and Romans had religion but they founded their States on pure strength.  They had religions that called for men to make themselves into masters of others.  Individual nation-states like Athens began to simply take pride in itself and not religion, but the idea of mastery over nature and others remained the same.
-Then came the Christian and Jewish empires which still dominate the West.  These were founded on a meeker mentality which simply scared and stupefied most people into following their Kings and Queens.
-After the Enlightenment the religion was literally transferred to the State itself and nationalism was born.  Before this time most people simply referred to themselves by their family legacies or religious beliefs, not the territory of which they were a part. This dominated most of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries and gave way to things like Fascism, Communism, Socialism and other horrors.
-Now we seem to have a Nanny State, Orwellian Government in full motion.  It seems like there isn't a corner of the market or aspect of your life that the government doesn't have a say in. There is not a real "national identity" to be found any longer, but it has been replaced by the collective trend.  Almost all mainstream media including movies, TV, news, advertisements, social networking and even online videos to some extent present such a unified, full spectrum idea of what is cool and acceptable that it is easy to forget they all come from the same few corporations.  Add in the power to school the young for 12 years and you've got yourself some mind control.  It doesn't matter to them if we can choose our own jobs or enjoy the other freedoms we have.  All that matters to them is that we pay our taxes and follow their laws. Religion is obsolete for them now, it's allll about psychology.

Whats the point?
The point is: YES! We are a society now. States exploit that and then masquerade themselves as the facilitator of goodness and justice in order to carry out horrible crimes and grant power to narcissistic people.  This is what they have always done and will always do until we grow up and accept that violence is never the answer! Liberty ascends politics.


  1. Gotta love politics...

    I feel like our country is going to destroy itself from the inside if shit doesn't change.

  2. I loved the 13th century france methaphor.

  3. Politics seem to be very complicated...

  4. You are 150% on the mark with everything you just wrote. I felt so much the same way, that I actually packed up and moved from the US and now live here in Costa Rica. This is one of the very last truly free countries left, and I have to say the difference is quite noticeable. I really dog this blog and the way you put your thoughts out there, I will be here regularly from now on!

  5. I think I'm somewhere on the far left of your graphic in the Green 'G'. I've never noticed that correlation.

    Great blog! Followed.

  6. With the Greeks it was a select democracy among a certain class of people very body else didn't really have a say.

  7. I hate left, center and right. I am my own president. (A)

  8. Very interesting. I just wish our government wouldn't mess up.

  9. I agree with so much your writing! +followed!

  10. Well, do you think Dem and Repub. parties are very similar to one another in terms of policy and whatnot? Either way, I think we are like Greece because we are being masters over other countries. Bwahaha.

  11. Politics are one of the most important subjects of our all lifes and it's really sad that only a few care about it.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. That's a very pessimistic view of the future :\

  14. Truly awesome post! One of the best blog posts I've seen on blogger. Ill definitely be back to read each day

    What scares me is social networking and how everyone passively gives up their personal sensitive information. And no wonder everyone and Everything has one.

    Thank god for things like wikileaks out to expose governmental wrongdoing no just hope Obama does good things in his second term. I feel like he was holding back his first term due to having to please the general masses for re election. We shall see.

  15. What annoys me the most is the fact that there is no real answer to modern politic's failure to be beneficial to the masses.

    Another great write-up.

  16. people dont realize that the times we live in, times of individual autonomy and free enterprize, are an anomoly in the big picture. throughout history, it has been the few in power enslaving the many. monarchies, facism, feudal law. this is the norm, and we are returning to it.

  17. I like politics but it is very frustrating when we feel like we are lied to or played with

  18. Very good read, will definitely be coming back.

  19. Very insightful post. I'm a political atheist, I don't choose sides or associate myself with a side.

  20. interesting read. you're one of the few people willing to show everything at once to everyone

  21. That's why Anarchism is the way to go!

  22. Wow, wonder how long it took for you to figure all this out...

  23. Do I smell a revolution? haha great post mate
