Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It's the State who is free to do what they'd like, not us

Just a bit of propaganda I made to pass out locally this past Independence Day. It’s important for people to understand that we the people are not the Independent ones on the 4th of July… or any other day for that matter.
As long as the State exists, society is enslaved.


  1. yeah, people think that they are free, but are we really free ?

    we are attached to our rotine, to go to work, to our things, computer, apartment, MONEY, TV séries, games, etc

    it is what fight club talk about, only when you lose EVERYTHING is when we are really free, to do everything we would like.

    if u didnt watched Fight Club, go on, it is my fav movie and the best movie i ve ever seen.

  2. We are free to play video games at least. That's the way I look at it.

  3. sooo true what you just said!


  4. That is a total true my friend


  5. Vote no for "D" and "R" unless its Ron Paul.

  6. Nice and ironic approach to the 4th of July. I'm not a big fan of this day.

  7. So true man, great job. Followed!

  8. I'm all for that! Green Party all the way!

  9. nimbin australia got ahold of that picture of obama or there legalise weed protest, i guess they thought he is sympathetic or something

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