Friday, July 22, 2011

Petty thieves run rampant

Above are four headlines bearing similar stories from all across the nation. Now, perhaps I was sheltered or ignorant growing up but I have never heard of such low-down desperate crimes occurring at such frequency.  Sure, there have always been hot headed Italians doing bank heists, itchy crackheads robbing convenience stores, and of course your random home invasion. But this? These seem to be the actions of the truly despondent.  And these aren't the only reports of this type of thing. I think copper wire and metal siding has been reported stolen at least 3 separate times this summer in Chicago.

Is this a sign of our hard economic times? 
The State and many businesses have had to cut workers across the board. MSNBC is reporting the unemployment rate is at 16.6%.  These are levels that we haven't seen since the Great Depression in 1931 when 16% turned to 25% unemployment in less than two years.  I think we are already in an inflationary depression though, folks.  More on that later or tomorrow.

How are things going where you guys are at?


  1. this is SHIT HITTING THE FAN, bro! check out my blog for the best tips!

  2. It's kinda rough here, but not as bad as I've heard from other places. I think the unemployment rate in my state is 6%, which seems bad on its own, but when I think of places like California that have around 13%, I feel kinda lucky.

  3. Stealing copper and metal sidings is note new for me since I was in first country which is a third world one, You wont even see wires hanging or metals on the street because ALL of it were sold to the local junk shops especially copper wires and aluminum cans. Employment rate in there is kinda wayyy more crappier than on your side. Those who steal are either crack addicts or ex-convicts who can't get a job perhaps.

  4. This economy sucks!! I can't wait for all of this to be over.

  5. I am a strong believer of making the most of what you have regardless of the economy. So the reports on the people involved must be a last resort thing? I hope

  6. This is normal in Mexico.

  7. Shame that people have to turn to stealing these days.

  8. yep, robbing is the hobby of the people in my city lol. Certainly reflected from economics hard time.

  9. Guy robbed a bank for 1 dollar so he'd go to jail and get free health care. Yeah, it's hard times for the economy.

  10. Shaw where did you get this info from?

  11. Yeah, Shaw. That's crazy do you have a link?

  12. when the times get tough, people steal shit. it happened during the great depression and it is happening now. its enevitable =/

  13. Yeah the economy is getting pretty bad.

  14. Economy is the shit. Fed was audited a bit ago and 16 TRILLION dollars in loans to foreign banks and American banks. FFUUUUUU

  15. thankfully in my neighbrhood i think the biggest thing stolen was 3 of my cats. I liked those cats too...

  16. thieves suck no matter how petty. but I don't think people would steal if they could buy. economy has a lot to do with it but its also depends on the persons character

  17. This economy is really making me feel like dark times might be ahead... This isn't a good sign.

  18. This isn't going to well for the american people or the government.

  19. I think the saddest part about it is the fact that all of our economic woes could be solved by just toning down our military, taxing rich people the way they should be, and stop spending money on worthless crap like wars that we can't win. I think you are right in that this is a figurative depression, and I think it's only a matter of time before our version of John Dillinger arises.

  20. economy sucks indeed. I for one want to have a job but can't find any.

  21. 16% unemployment?? Thats crazy! Australia has the lowest unemployment we've had in 20 years 4.9% in June...

  22. Crazy, nothing hurts more than having your stuff taken from you! Hope this all picks up but it looks to be a grim future for us!
