Thursday, January 24, 2013

Strawman Arguments Against 4D Spacetime?


A common response to the criticisms of 4D spacetime posed by Bill Gaede and other rational scientists is that we are simply using a Strawman argument.

A strawman argument is one that misrepresents a position in order to defeat it.  Here is an example of such a response; DoctorDave commented on Bill Gaede's youtube video, "How Gravity Works": really can't tell the difference between analogies and visualizations of a theory and the actual mathematical formulation of the theory. Is the trampoline a crappy analogy? Yeah, kinda. But if you think this criticism -"What pulls the grid DOWN?"- is a real criticism of GR? And that things can't be in polar orbits? Wow. You really fundamentally don't understand the theory.
The comment states that Gaede is misrepresenting General Relativity when he represents spacetime as a 2D grid.  If the 2D grid is indeed a misrepresentation, then why do establishment organizations use the very same models? Like NASA? (See above).

But Robby Brookand, a member of the facebook discussion group The Virtual Miser isn't buying a 2D spacetime grid. He says,

I want to demonstrate to everyone the horrendous 2D spacetime strawman argument by Bill Gaede and ask you how – just how can he think this? Even a first-year physics student would roar in laughter over the absurdity of Mr. Gaede's bastardization of General Relativity. 

Maybe Robby should have a chat with NASA, Stanford, and Wikipedia beforehand, since they use the very same models. But even conceding that spacetime is not 2D, Gaede is still able to explain why a spacetime object is an incoherent, irrational explanation for gravity.

Ladies and Gents...
I give you the official 'warped space' gravitation, true-blue Einsteinian physical interpretation that General Relativity offers for gravity. This comes from an authoritative source, so please do not challenge it. You will look like fools if you do!
Therefore, I now officially recant. The Earth does NOT push the TWO-DIMENSIONAL space/spacetime canvas DOWNWARDS as I, in my deep ignorance, illustrated in the past. I am so sorry for misrepresenting dear Al and I promise not to do it again in my next life. The Earth simply sits there in the middle of cubic space. That's WHY, according to Al OneStone, the Earth doesn't drift out of the Solar System! The explanation is clear and self-evident. There should be no questions.
Here is PROOF...

Please note that this is EXPERIMENTAL PROOF! Therefore, it is beyond question and you should keep your contrary opinions to yourself... if you know what's good for you! The round blue thingy is a planet known as Earth.
No, and it is NOT flat, you dumbkopffs! It is a 2D (read: two-dimensional) representation of a spherical 3D (read: three-dimensional) rock! The black stuff is either space or spacetime -- I cannot clarify exactly for you because I have not taken sufficient Math.
Space is a 3D (read: three-dimensional) object. Spacetime is a 4D (read: four-dimensional) object. Source: Stephen Gawking, A Brief History of Time, pg 24...
So the black stuff is a 2D representation of 3D space and/or 4D spacetime. The physical interpretation -- the theory proposed by General Relativity -- is that the Earth pushes this dark canvas in all radial directions. The Earth pushes the black canvas north, east, south and west SIMULTANEOUSLY. Think of this as... um... erm... think of it as if the Earth GREW IN SIZE! Okay? Got it? The skin of our dear planet PUSHES the space or spacetime canvas in all radial directions simultaneously. Yeah! That's the ticket! A possible alternative is that the Earth SUCKS all this canvas towards its planetary center. This would explain, for example, why you fall from airplanes rather than be spit into space.
Now... the reason the Moon doesn't drift out beyond Pluto is that the Earth pushes the canvas in a radial... no... Scratch that!
The Earth sucks the canvas towards itself. This creates a gravity well, a depression in the canvas. The canvas sinks and the poor Moon has no choice but to roll around this blue rock. Think of the Cage of Death...
The Moon tries to escape the gravity well depression like a motorcycle tries to escape the Cage, but the Earth 'pulls' it down by creating a space or spacetime wall around it. Why the Moon orbits in the same plane is still a mystery. But then again, General Relativity has only been around for 100 years.
It is also a mystery why The Sun compels the Earth to travel more or less in the same plane all the time using the same mechanism... yet the Moon rams through the Sun's gravity well depression every time it orbits beyond the distance from the Sun to the Earth. And our spacecrafts go even further beyond the Moon's gravity well all the way to Mars and beyond. The scholars can't explain everything, but they have not yet finished doing all the Math either! So give them a break! C'mon!
Anyways, please spread the word and make my recantation available to all monasteries and churches, including the Harvard Fizziques Dept and the Cambridge School of Divinity.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Robby Bookand who has kindly furnished RS with this irrefutable evidence: a picture which says it all!

So, whether 2D or 4D, spacetime remains a nonphysical, nontheory for gravity. We should all be as light-hearted as Gaede when dealing with accusations of strawmen or misunderstanding because spacetime is indeed impossible to understand.  All that a Relativist can do is shake their heads and say you're wrong, they will NEVER have an explanation to back up why.

And they will certainly never have an explanation for gravity using an object called spacetime.


  1. You've got to be kidding me. "the Moon rams through the Sun's gravity well depression every time it orbits beyond the distance from the Sun to the Earth"? The moon is, on average, about 240000 miles away from the earth. The sun is 93000000 miles from the earth. It might be useful to learn some of the basic facts of astronomy at least, let alone how GR actually works, before you try to debunk it.

  2. "The sun is 93000000 miles from the earth. It might be useful to learn some of the basic facts of astronomy at least, let alone how GR actually works, before you try to debunk it."

    Yeah, so if the Sun's "gravity well" is "deep enough" to hold the EARTH to the SUN, then it makes no sense for the moon to be constantly climbing up that hill in orbit without losing momentum.

    Can you visualize what I'm talking about or do I have to draw it for you?

  3. And that ignores everything about the conceptual problem of posing space as an object.

    So why don't you learn about the Theory of GR before you start dropping distances as if you're making an argument! LOL
